Thursday, December 07, 2006

65 Years Ago...and Today

Today we marked the solemn anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. As we all know, the United States reacted the only way they could to such a threat to our well-being and way of life: swiftly and completely.

Ironic isn't it that was just a couple of days ago that the "Iraq Study Group" (sorry...I can't hear that term without picturing a bunch of sixth-graders working on a project with their desks facing each other) released their recommendation for "talks" with barbaric enemies like Syria and Iran.

What a difference 65 years makes, huh?

Cox and Forkum are among my favorite editorial cartoonists - never shying away from telling it like it is. The "Forkum" of the duo pens an excellent piece on the ironic juxtaposition in his Blog of yesterday, which can be read HERE.

The times, they sure are a-changed.

Thanks as always to Tammy Bruce for the heads-up on the C&F piece.

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Behind The Wall of Sheep

I love the Smithereens and I always have, since the first time I heard the "Especially for You"LP back in the summer of 1986. WHOT...